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发布日期:2023-08-21 08:00:22

Dear customers,

我们衷心感谢您一直以来对我们产品的信任与支持。我们希望通过这封公告与您分享一个重要的变化,以及我们将如何继续为您提供优质的产品和服务。We sincerely appreciate your continuous trust and support for our products. With this announcement, we hope to share with you the important change and explain that how we continue to provide you with the high quality products and service.

在过去,我们一直为客户提供杜邦品牌的尼龙原材料选项。然而,由于杜邦宣布其“Mobility & Materials”业务已正式被塞拉尼斯收购,故从即日起我司产品所使用的杜邦原材料一律更名为塞拉尼斯原材料,材料的型号、规格、配方以及质量标准将保持不变。我们今后将为您提供塞拉尼斯的尼龙原材料选项。In the past, we have been providing customers with the raw material options of DuPont nylon raw material. However, since DuPont announced that its “Mobility & Materials” business has been officially acquired by Celanese, DuPont raw material used in our products will be renamed as Celanese raw material from now on. The model, specification, formula and quality standard will remain unchanged. Tai Hing will continue to provide you with the raw material options of Celanese nylon raw material.

我们已经与塞拉尼斯原材料供应商建立了紧密的合作关系,以确保您获得的产品仍然符合我们严格的质量要求。 We have established the close business relationship with Celanese raw material supplier to ensure that the products you receive still meet our strict quality standards.

由于原材料品牌更名,可能会有不法分子试图销售假冒的塞拉尼龙品牌原材料。另外,我们还想通知您,杜邦3071尼龙66原材料已经在2018年宣布停产,请勿相信任何与该原料相关的供应信息。为了保障您的权益,请务必留意我们官方渠道的信息,以确保您购买到真正的塞拉尼斯品牌原材料。Due to the renaming of raw material brand, there may be some offenders attempting to sale the counterfeit Celanese nylon raw material. Importantly, DuPont 3071 nylon66 raw material had been announced to be discontinued in 2018. Please do not trust any supply information related to that raw material. In order to protect your rights and interests, please pay attention to the information of our official channel to ensure that you purchase the real Celanese brand raw material.

(图:旧版杜邦原料包装)DuPont raw material old version packaging

(图:新版塞拉尼斯尼龙原料包装)Celanese raw material new version packaging

同时,除了塞拉尼斯尼龙原材料外,我们还能提供各种不同品牌型号的尼龙原材料选项。我们可以根据您的特定要求,定制出最符合您需求的产品。我们会在报价和产品质量证明书(COA)上明确注明所使用的原材料品牌和型号,以确保您对产品的原材料有清晰的了解。At the same time, in addition to the Celanese nylon raw material, we also provide customers with raw material options of different brands and models. Tai Hing can customize the products that best meet your requirement based on your specific request. We will clearly indicate the raw material brands and models used in the quotation and product quality certificate (COA) to ensure that customers will have a clear understanding of product raw material.

如果您对这一变化有任何疑问,或需要进一步的信息,欢迎随时联系我们的客户服务团队。您可以通过我们官方网站上提供的联系方式与我们取得联系,我们将竭诚为您提供帮助和解答。If you have any questions about this change, or need further information, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team. You can also get in touch with us through the contact information provided on our official website. We will be pleased to answer your questions.

再次感谢您的信任与支持。我们期待继续为您提供无与伦比的产品质量和卓越的服务。Thank you again for your trust and support. We look forward to continuing to provide you with the unparalleled products and exceptional service.

大兴尼龙丝制品有限公司 2023年8月14日 Tai Hing Nylon Filament Products Co., Ltd. August, 14th, 2023